Tooth Extractions – Granger, IN
Stress-Free Tooth Removal
At Granger Dental Group, we understand that there’s nothing as strong or attractive as your natural teeth, which is why we do everything we can to preserve them. However, in certain situations, where a tooth is simply too damaged to be repaired, tooth extractions in Granger, IN may be necessary to protect your oral health. If you have a problem tooth or teeth that may need to go, Dr. Hickey will discuss all of your options and provide you with guidance towards achieving a healthier smile. When appropriate, we utilize a fantastic network fo oral surgeon specialists---as always, we will do what we feel is best for the patient.
Why Choose Granger Dental Group for Tooth Extractions?
Nitrous Oxide Sedation to
Guarantee Patient Comfort -
State-of-the-Art Dental Implant
Restorations Available -
Dentist with Years
of Experience
After Extraction Care
Similar to other minor surgical procedures, the time following a tooth extraction is very important. You want to make sure the site heals properly so that you can move forward with whatever tooth replacement option you choose. Here are some things you need to do after you have an extraction to avoid complication or infection:
- Keep gauze on the site until a blood clot forms.
- Gently rinse your mouth with warm saltwater.
- Take over-the-counter pain medication to manage any discomfort.
- Use a cold compress to reduce swelling.